Thursday, December 4, 2014


Have you ever looked into the mirror
and wondered there is no way
you can know your real self, Rosetta?
Not the reflected rays of light
falling upon your eye-sight.
Not the senseless digital replications
which, every time, fails to capture your interbred offspring
of genuine happiness in fear of linear progress of time.
Have you ever felt the space and intellect you occupy
belong to a body-permeable singularity across the Universe, Rosetta?
You will feel bitter and miserable, Rosetta,
when you see all of us had been, is and, will be
Oppressed by the Iron Fist of the privileged Government or a homogenous technologically advanced group for-----ever
The day when you learn that people you once thought great are just
humanoids who have gone through cerebrum implant,
You will question your existence, Rosetta;
You will suddenly be under the palpable waves of nothingness, Rosetta;
You will now feel marginal
and want to escape to a place
where your liberty is guaranteed
but you cannot find such place on earth, Rosetta;
You will try to recover yourself from
these relentless fingers of self-remorse when you see or hear things
that remind you of yourself, Rosetta.
Without your consent, they will have countless operations on your mind-brain
and say, "You will be fine"
You were not and you are not, Rosetta
You will talk, talk, talk and all talk, Rosetta
Until the day they make a tomb for you and leave you alone, cold, all sad.

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